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What is LeadVerifier™?
A professional marketing service that improves your leads.
- "Scrubs" each lead
to improve accuracy
- "Verifies" each
e-mail, phone number, name and address and more
- "Upgrades" each
lead with demographic information
How does LeadVerifier™ work?
- Send us your lead data online
- We clean, verify and improve your leads
- We send your leads back to you FAST, online
It's simple and it's fast.
There's no magic. Fast, accurate, improved lead quality...
guaranteed. You can customize
the process to fit your needs.
Why should you use LeadVerifier™?
Just weigh the benefits…
- Improves lead quality & accuracy
- Reduces lead acquisition cost
- Expands lead demographic data
- Speeds time to market via the web
- Eliminates wasted sales time
- Improves sales results
- Leads SECURE: data never leaves our possession
What does LeadVerifier™ do?
Compares your lead to multiple proprietary databases, tables
and measures data accuracy.
Scrubs your Leads…
• Suppression Processing
Eliminates “bad” names and addresses from your leads
- Do-Not-Call (flag)
- Do-Not-Email (flag)
- Prison address suppression
- Profanity suppression
• Repetitive Lead Processing
No wasted time or dollars on duplicated leads.
- New leads de-duped against previous leads
Verifies your Leads…
• Name & Address Verification
Authenticates an individual, family or business exists at a specific
• Telephone Verification
Reach the right person the FIRST time you call.
- Verifies that the phone number exists for that household
or location
• Postal Verification
Eliminate undeliverables and saves postage.
- Standardize address to USPS requirements
- Append apartment/suite numbers if missing
- Address identified: business vs. home
- Convert rural to city address
- Confirm address = valid USPS Delivery Point
• Email Verification
The right email address reduces undeliverables.
- Verifies that the email address exists for that household
or business
Upgrades your Leads…
• Append Data
- Phone numbers
- Email addresses
• Demographic Enhancement
More information about your Lead to develop profiles, improve
future marketing efforts, enhance CRM efforts.
- Gender codes
- Age
- Income
- Education level
- Presence of children
- Marital status
- Length of residence